About Us

Mission  |  History  |  Employment Opportunities  |  Testimonials


We specialize in providing sustainable employment opportunities to qualified candidates with disabilities who would otherwise have difficulty integrating into the regular job market. Our candidate selection process, training, supervision and regular follow-up means our customers always receive fully trained and qualified personnel.

Placement Potentiel’s enviable reputation and commitment to excellence to our customers, employees and the community we serve is a fundamental cornerstone of our management philosophy.

We are proud of the many positive, long-term relationships we have formed with our customers. They are dedicated to fair and equitable business practices, and are committed to helping disabled individuals by using our specialized services.

Our dedicated employees are just as proud of our customers for being given the opportunity to prove they can work efficiently to deliver a superior quality end-product.


Placement Potentiel was created in 1980 as the result of an initiative by a group of parents concerned about the lack of suitable employment opportunities on the West Island of Montreal for persons with mild disabilities.

In 1979, the West Island Readaptation Centre sought to address these concerns. It submitted a proposal to the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ) to create an Adapted Enterprise to serve the needs of the local community.

Instead of creating another centre-based enterprise, the proposal envisaged a highly integrative model that would use partners in the community to provide jobs to disabled individuals. In 1980, Placement Potentiel received accreditation as an Adapted Enterprise.

Since then, Placement Potentiel and our partners and customers, have worked together to create jobs for our specialized clientele throughout the Montreal region. We offer three different, but complimentary employment models: individual and group placements through our Specialized Employment Agency, and providing cleaning personnel and services through our Building Maintenance Division.

Placement Potentiel is a partner with Emploi-Québec and a member of the Conseil québécois des enterprises adaptées (CQEA). The CQEA is comprised of 37 adapted enterprises throughout Québec employ over 5,300 workers, more than 4,000 of whom have functional limitations.

Employment Opportunities

Placement Potentiel provides employment opportunities to individuals with mild disabilities. Interested candidates must complete the following application process.

Eligibility Criteria

All applicants must first register with their respective Services spécialisés de main d’oeuvre (SSMO). The SSMO will evaluate each applicant to determine their suitability for work at an Adapted Enterprise.

Applicants are then presented to the Human Resources Committee at Placement Potentiel. The committee’s role is to confirm that each candidate meets the criteria for admission into the Adapted Enterprise program. Accepted applicants will receive a service plan that details the terms and conditions of the adapted employment offered.

Additional information is available at the following websites:

For persons with Intellectual disabilities
Action Main-d’oeuvre inc. http://www.actionmaindoeuvre.ca/index.php?langue=0

For persons with mental health problems
L’Arrimage inc. http://www.larrimage.ca/en/index.php

For persons with physical and sensory disabilities
L’ETAPE http://www.letape.org/
AIM-CROIT http://www.aimcroitqc.org/

For persons with visual disabilities
Société québécoise pour les personnes aveugles (SQPA) http://www.typhlophile.com/ressources/service/sqpa.shtml

Employment information and services for the disabled
Emploi-Québec http://emploiquebec.net/individus/handicap/index_en.asp

Accredited adapted enterprises
Conseil Québécois des enterprises adaptées (CQEA) https://www.cqea.ca/en/


"We have been using the services of Placement Potentiel Inc. for many years now, for our building maintenance requirements.

Placement Potentiel and its personnel have consistently provided us with excellent quality services, demonstrating a high level of effort, flexibility, competence and professionalism. I recommend this organization without any hesitation for any work in their area of expertise."

Luc Monette
City of Beaconsfield


CQEA Emploi Quebec

Our partners